I have been anxiously awaiting this sequel to the 2007 blockbuster "Transformers" since my brother and I finished watching the first film on opening day. I was not disappointed. From the second the Dreamworks and Paramount Pictures logos appeared on the screen, set to the transforming sound effects (you Transformers fans know the sound), all the hairs on my arm stood up. The action arrives almost immediately and does not let up until the very end. To make the film that more exciting I was watching it with my son, Quentin, who at 3 years old has more Transformers knowledge than most teenagers. Quentin applauded the minute Optimus Prime
appeared on screen, and I have to say that the moment made me proud.
I don't want to give you a long drawn out synopsis of the film because I really want all you moviegoers out there to get out of your homes and plop down you hard earned money for a ticket. It is worth it. Unless you are one of those people that looks for story and substance in a film--STAY HOME. Not to discredit the movie, this film actually has a very good storyline for a Michael Bay movie but in regular Michael Bay form, this movie is about effects and destroying s**t. There are far more battle scenes between the Autobots and Decepticons in this film, which I relished. The effects team behind this movie, five companies, including ILM, were responsible for this visual gem. The transformation scenes, from vehicle/object to robot are insanely flawless. On the drive home I was looking at every vehicle on the street expecting it to transform, that is how believable the scenes were. The movie also introduces a new batch of Transformers, more Decepticons than Autobots in my opinion, including the 2 new controversial bots that some of the public have found offense to. I for one was not offended and thought them to be great comic relief. (On a side note--I never say a movie is offensive or racist. I have not encountered a film that has been. Can you imagine if I got offended everytime a hispanic actor is cast as a dishwasher with a heavy spanish accent?? If its a part of the story so be it. I don't expect social commentary in every movie I watch, and I definitely don't want it in a Michael Bay film.)
Josh Duhamel and Tyrese Gibson are back as Maj. Lennox & Sgt. Epps. For those of you ladies looking for a lot of Duhamel and Tyrese in this movie, I am sorry to tell you that their screen time is less than that in the first film, but they make the most with the time they do get and look good doing it.
Of course Shia LaBeouf's character, Sam Witwicky, is back and in this movie we find him preparing to leave his parent's home for college but in the course of starting his college life the Autobots pull him back in. In my home Shia is known as "my little Shia". I love this kid. He can pull off the witty, sarcastic characters without coming off as snarky. I enjoy him in all of his films and this one is no exception. If you haven't seen him in "Disturbia" or "Eagle Eye", rent/Netflix them, the kid has got the goods.
Which brings me to goods of a different type-- Megan Fox returns as Sam's girlfriend Mikaela, the requisite "hot chick" in most action movies. I am going to be frank, this girl is all kinds of sexy, and I am a straight woman that can appreciate that. She still lacks something in the acting department, but in several interviews she has stated that she has not given great performances and this movie is not about the acting. I give it up to her for being so honest and I do hope that she grows as an actress and is not always relegated to the "hot tough chick" parts.
I had mentioned the 2 comic bots earlier but they are not the only comic relief in this movie. Kevin Dunn and Julie White, Sam's parents in the movie, are given a bigger role in this sequel and they are HIGH-larious. The film also brings back John Turturro as Agent Simmons who is comically partnered with Sam's college roommate Leo, played by Ramon Rodriguez (haven't seen this guy in anything before but he held his own against the great Turturro).
Not all of you may agree with my review and thats ok, but I do beg of you to watch this movie and accept if for what it is--a summer blockbuster that will visually amaze you. For 2 1/2 hours it took me out of my recession depression, and who can knock that??