Thursday, December 31, 2009
Claud's View: Musically Speaking 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Claud's Picks: Fall Movie Preview Part Deux

I want to try and get back to my reviews being posted at least once a week. Will do my best to keep up with my expectations :)
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Claud's Picks: Fall Movie Preview Part I

Monday, August 24, 2009
Movie Review: Inglourious Basterds

Saturday, August 15, 2009
Claud's Heroes: Madonna

Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone Penn Ritchie, otherwise known as Madonna, entered my life in 1983 when the single "Everybody", off her debut album Madonna, was released. I was 7 or 8 years old at the time and music was a huge part of my young life, thanks to my father. This song quickly became my favorite and when the album was released my dad was awesome enough to buy me the tape (remember those). I would listen to the tape over and over again; memorizing every lyric as if it was gospel. The very first CD I ever owned was Like A Prayer. My dad bought it on the day of its release and when I got home there it was sitting in my room waiting for me. I still have that CD, albeit scratched to hell, but I will never get rid of it. Since that day I have purchased all of her CD's on the day of their release and do the same thing- I listen to it over and over again; memorizing every lyric as if it was gospel.
Videos were an integral part of an artist's career back in those days and she, along with Michael Jackson (yes, I am giving him props), was a pioneer in the way videos were presented. I would watch the videos and try to copy her moves. Almost every girl wanted to be like her and I was no different, I was hooked. Shortly after watching her in Desperately Seeking Susan, probably one of the best received performances of her career and one that definitely put her fashion out front and center, I went to school in my best "Susan/Madonna" outfit. For some reason this act infuriated a majority of the 6th grade girls and they wanted to pound my wannabe ass into a pulp (true story--my childhood friend Christin Pursley can attest to it). Thankfully the 6th grade girl's ire softened and my face and dignity were spared. At that time Christin was my partner in Madonna worship. We would sing her songs, dance along to the videos and one inspired day we even filmed two of our very own Madonna videos with my dad being the director and videographer. The videos were for "Material Girl" and "White Heat". Sadly those videos are lost somewhere in a pile of VHS tapes, but I can still remember them vividly, as well as my bad haircut.
When I was young there was nothing I wanted more than to go to a Madonna concert. My biological mother (or the one who shall not be named--a little Harry Potter Voldemort reference for you) always said she would buy me a ticket and she never did. I did not see Madonna live until she performed at the Hollywood Bowl for Arsenio Hall's 100th or 1000th show. I cannot remember what the event was called but I remember what she performed- "Fever" and a duet "The Lady is a Tramp" with Anthony Kiedis from the Red Hot Chili Peppers. I had nose bleed seats but it didn't matter because I was finally in the same vicinity as my hero. Most people know I am a frugal person but that would be last time nose bleed and Madonna concert would be uttered in the same sentence for me. The next time I would see her was for The Drowned World Tour in 2001 and I spared no expense. My eternal partner in crime, my cousin Norma, was at my side as we walked into the Staples center and I began tearing up at the site of our seats. It was probably the best concert I have ever been to. Since then I have not missed a tour and have been lucky enough to include friends and family along for the ride but my constant concert companions are always Norma, my bonus sister Heidi, and our sister in Madonna worship Shannon. I am not being biased when I say that a Madonna concert is truly a spectacle for the eyes and ears. The sets are amazing, the choreography is flawless, the costumes are fierce, and she always brings it. There is NO lip-synching-yes I am referring to all of the little pop tarts out there who think that dancing and lip-synching to their prerecorded, auto tuned songs makes them stars; Madonna is LIVE in every sense.
Madonna's movies and personal life are always ridiculed, and I admit to not always approving of her choices but after 26 years I am still in awe of her and continue to be a loyal fan. Her birthday is August 16th and I wrote this post to say happy birthday to a woman who has inadvertently been involved in some of my best memories as well as creating more than 50% of the songs on the soundtrack of my life. To all my readers--please give it up to a true artist and sing along and dance to one of her songs tomorrow.
Essential Madonna CD's:
Essential Madonna Films:
1. Desperately Seeking Susan
2. Truth or Dare
3. Evita
Monday, August 3, 2009
Movie Review: Funny People

Wednesday, July 29, 2009
TV Show Review: More To Love
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Movie Review: Taken

Taken was released in 2008 but I just got around to watching it this weekend, and it was worth the wait. Liam Neeson stars as Bryan Mills, a recently retired CIA agent. He retired from the spy game to make up for lost time with his daughter Kim (played by Maggie Grace, Shannon on ABC's Lost). Kim's summer plans differ from her dad's quality time plans; Kim and a friend are flying to Paris so they can follow U2 (lucky girl!) on the European leg of their tour. Bryan reluctantly agrees to let his only daughter go, but not without some ground rules and an ever important international cell phone. Kim and her friend land in Paris and immediately meet a charming young man who offers to share his cab with them. Not a smart move. The girls haven't even unpacked when a group of men come crashing in. Luckily Kim is on the phone with her dad as she witnesses her friend being carried out and is able to give Bryan key information that will help him at a later time. Bryan instructs his daughter on what she needs to do and informs her that she will be "taken". As Kim is whisked away one of her abductors picks up the phone and Bryan gives him a warning --let her go or suffer the consequences. The abductor simply replies, in his euro trash accent, "good luck". From that moment IT--IS--ON! Bryan quickly enlists the help of his ex-CIA buddies who uncover that the men who took his daughter are slave traders/sex traffickers. Bryan has 96 hours to find her or she will be lost forever. Can he rescue his daughter in time?
This film was co-written by Luc Besson, director and writer of 1994's Leon: The Professional and still one of my favorite assassin movies (if you haven't seen it yet, please Netflix it, if not for the action then to watch a young Natalie Portman play an aspiring assassin). Mr. Besson knows how to write intelligent action movies, which may sound like an oxymoron to you, but believe me such films do exist. Of course the concept would not work unless you had a skilled actor to bring the script to life. I think Liam Neeson was perfect for this part. He has balanced his more dramatic roles (Schindler's List, Kinsey) with some action roles in big franchise films (Batman Begins, Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace) but in this film, he alone IS the action. He is completely believable and at 57 years old he is bringing the pain effortlessly. Mr. Neeson has eight films in various stages of pre and post production, two of them being the A-Team film adaptation and Clash of the Titans remake. I know I have blogged about my dislike of remakes, especially when it involves cult classics like Titans, but I must admit if Liam Neeson is in it there is a greater chance that I am buying a ticket.
Taken is a definite must see. It is a rare action movie which males and females will equally enjoy.
Liam Neeson Essential Film List:
1. Darkman (1990)--- first big starring role; cult classic
2. Schindler's List (1993) -- everyone should watch this and show it to their children
3. Nell (1994) -- watch for the silly language Jodie Foster speaks
4. Rob Roy (1995) -- Scottish hero comes to life
5. Star Wars: Episode I-The Phantom Menace (1999) -- He is Qui-Gon Jinn; enough said
6. Love Actually (2003) -- a great Christmas/Romantic film
7. Kinsey (2004) -- Do not watch this with your children
8. Taken (2008) -- read review
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Movie Review: Bruno

Note to readers: No one in my family would agree to pose for a Bruno photo for this blog so I am stuck with the studio pic :)
Monday, July 20, 2009
Movie Review: Confessions of a Shopaholic

Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Movie Review: The Proposal
I love romantic comedies no matter how ridiculous the premise might be. Not all of these rom-coms are good, but this one is fantastic. Anne Fletcher, director of 27 Dresses (a cute ode to bridesmaids) and Step Up (the best dance movie since Breakin' 2 in my book), does a great job of not making this film cutesy as most rom-coms tend to be. There is a great balance of sweet and sour and the story feels believable. Of course that wouldn't be so without the tremendous talents of Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds. Sandra has spoken in past interviews about not wanting to do anymore romantic comedies but after reading the script to this one she could not resist. I am delighted that she did and hope that she will keep doing them because she is genuinely amazing in this genre. If you don't believe me watch While You Were Sleeping and Two Weeks Notice; but you definitely need to watch this movie if only to see Sandra bust out her ghetto side. It is HIGH-larious. Ryan Reynolds, what can I say, this guy can tackle any genre or script. I do adore him in comedies, watch National Lampoon's Van Wilder and Just Friends, but he has proven to be a powerful player in action films, watch him in Blade 3 and Wolverine. His and Sandra's chemistry is definitely the key to the success of the movie.
The film also has a great supporting cast: Craig T. Nelson, Mary Steenburgen, and Malin Akerman; but I have to say the stand outs for me were Betty White as Gammy Annie and Oscar Nunez, Oscar from NBC's The Office, as Ramone. First Betty's character is referred to as Gammy, my son and niece refer to their grandma as Gammy so that endeared her to me even more. This woman is 89 years young and can still hold her own with the youngsters, she is comedy gold. As for Oscar's character, the guy is the jack of all trades in the little Alaskan town but my personal favorite of all the jobs is that he is the only male exotic dancer in town. Oscar turned what could have been a one-note character into a scene stealer.
This is a romantic comedy worth dragging your reluctant partner too a theater for or to just escape the summer heat.
Claud's View: Remakes
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Claud in the Field: Camp Cinemark
Friday, July 3, 2009
Movie Review: My Sister's Keeper

Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Movie Review: The Wrestler
(Note to readers: My nephew, Ayden, was not harmed during this photoshoot and yes, my brother IS that dark)
The films opening credits start by showcasing "The Ram's" glory days. (Side note--The song that plays over the credits is Quiet Riot's "Metal Health" which is an awesome hair metal song. The soundtrack is hair metal band heavy so you may want to check it out if that's your thing.) After running down his career highs, we cut to 20 years later and we see "The Ram" looking like life has taken a folding chair to his face and body one too many times. He has a bad back and knees, and is sporting a hearing aid. He is getting ready for a match at what looks like a high school gym. Needless to say, the heyday of his career has come and gone. "The Ram" lives alone in a rundown mobile home park. He frequents a strip club where we are introduced to "Cassidy" (her stripper name), Marisa Tomei's character. She is ASA (advanced stripper age) and Randy is one her regular customers. They seem to have struck up a friendship, or as much of a friendship as you can have with a woman who is gyrating her mostly naked stuff in front of your face while you spill your guts. (I am going to break here for a ghetto rant about the movie-this man cannot afford to pay his rent but he can go get a lap dance, buy some roids, get his hair did, and go tanning. That ain't right.) After an almost fatal incident, Randy starts to re-evaluate his life. He has a grown daughter, played by Evan Rachel Wood, who he has neglected for most of her life. She wants nothing to do with him at first, but reluctantly gives him a second chance. Randy also decides that "Cassidy" is the one for him and puts the moves on big time. "The Ram" is due for a comeback, in his life as a whole.
Monday, June 29, 2009
TV Show Review: So You Think You Can Dance

Book Review: Girls Like Us: Carole King, Joni Mitchell, Carly Simon and the Journey of a Generation
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Review: "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen"
Josh Duhamel and Tyrese Gibson are back as Maj. Lennox & Sgt. Epps. For those of you ladies looking for a lot of Duhamel and Tyrese in this movie, I am sorry to tell you that their screen time is less than that in the first film, but they make the most with the time they do get and look good doing it.
Of course Shia LaBeouf's character, Sam Witwicky, is back and in this movie we find him preparing to leave his parent's home for college but in the course of starting his college life the Autobots pull him back in. In my home Shia is known as "my little Shia". I love this kid. He can pull off the witty, sarcastic characters without coming off as snarky. I enjoy him in all of his films and this one is no exception. If you haven't seen him in "Disturbia" or "Eagle Eye", rent/Netflix them, the kid has got the goods.
Which brings me to goods of a different type-- Megan Fox returns as Sam's girlfriend Mikaela, the requisite "hot chick" in most action movies. I am going to be frank, this girl is all kinds of sexy, and I am a straight woman that can appreciate that. She still lacks something in the acting department, but in several interviews she has stated that she has not given great performances and this movie is not about the acting. I give it up to her for being so honest and I do hope that she grows as an actress and is not always relegated to the "hot tough chick" parts.
I had mentioned the 2 comic bots earlier but they are not the only comic relief in this movie. Kevin Dunn and Julie White, Sam's parents in the movie, are given a bigger role in this sequel and they are HIGH-larious. The film also brings back John Turturro as Agent Simmons who is comically partnered with Sam's college roommate Leo, played by Ramon Rodriguez (haven't seen this guy in anything before but he held his own against the great Turturro).
Not all of you may agree with my review and thats ok, but I do beg of you to watch this movie and accept if for what it is--a summer blockbuster that will visually amaze you. For 2 1/2 hours it took me out of my recession depression, and who can knock that??
Hi and Welcome!
Things you will read in my blog:
I will review movies that I have currently watched, either in the theater or at home from Netflix (those of you movie lovers that do not currently subscribe to Netflix, I suggest you do so. It is much cheaper than renting movies or using Pay-per-view). My reviews will not contain any spoilers (spoilers are kind of a pet peeve).
I will review some TV shows that I am currently watching and will take suggestions from you on what you think I should be watching.
Although I love books I have a young son and a full-time job that take up all of my time. I will review anything I get a chance to read.
As for music, I have found that since moving from California to Colorado three years ago my musical edge and exposure to new music has dulled. The "cool" stations are, in my opinion, sparse. When I first moved here they were playing Tone Loc's "Wild Thing" like it had just been released if that gives you any indication of what I am dealing with here. If not for my IPOD and XM radio from Directv I would be in a musical no man's land. I will be reviewing new stuff I am listening to and concerts that I attend. Concerts are, to me, the best way to appreciate musicians. Note to my readers: I will not attend any concerts where there is lip-synching. That, to me, is not acceptable.
I will also do my best to give you "essential" lists. Movies, shows, music that you HAVE to experience before you leave this world.
Things I will NOT cover:
Anything involving Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, "Jon & Kate Plus Eight", and "The Hills" or any spin-off of "The Hills", and most reality shows on E! (except "Keeping Up With The Kardashians"--love that crazy family). These people and shows represent a decline in western civilization. My disdain for these shows is palpable.
This is new to me so I may change things up as I go along. I do hope you enjoy this blog and I thank you for giving me an outlet for my obsession.