Rebecca Bloomwood (played by Isla Fisher) struts down the street with her armload of bags naming off every article of clothing she has on along with the designer who made it. She leers into store windows, like me at a bakery window, imagining that the mannequins are enticing her to come in and shop. Rebecca is a shopaholic and she walks as if she hasn't a care in the world, no one would know that creditors are after her trying to collect the $16K plus she owes (that amount would not phase certain shopaholics I know) or that her credit cards are maxed out. Her life is about constant denial, justifying shopping binges, and dodging collectors. She supports her habit and bides her time by working for a gardening magazine as a journalist; her dream is to write for Alette, a Vogue type fashion magazine. Reality comes and smacks Ms. Bloomwood in her Chanel making wearing face when her magazine shuts down and Alette fills the open position with a scheming fashion shrew. A chance encounter with Luke Brandon (the dashing Hugh Dancy) proves fortuitous, not only for her career but for her love life as well. Luke is the editor at a financial magazine and through a drunken mix up Rebecca ends up working as a columnist for the magazine. Her column about consumerism catches on with the public rather quickly and Rebecca finds herself trying to maneuver her career and her addiction. Will she be found at for the fraud she is? My answer was I really don't care.
I truly wanted to like this film. Not just because of the shopping and amazing fashion (Patricia Field was the costume designer) but because I am a huge fan of P.J. Hogan, the director of the film who has also directed two of my favorite films Muriel's Wedding and My Best Friend's Wedding. I also adore Isla Fisher. I do not think that they were given good material to work with here. It felt like Isla was instructed to act adorable and they just pointed the camera at her.
Ms. Fisher is a good actress/comedienne. Anyone who has seen her in Wedding Crashers and Definitely, Maybe can attest to that; this just wasn't the vehicle for her to make her "above the title" mark.
The film was based on the book of the same name by Sophie Kinsella. I have not read the book yet but my sister-in-law Alissa, the lovely young lady pictured above, has and liked it far better than the film. I will be reading and reviewing the book soon. I hope the book does a better job of taking me on a shopaholic adventure.
SHAMELESS PLUG: There is a scene in the movie where Rebecca walks through a modern furnishing store and Kartell lights are highlighted. If you like the look of the lights please visit:
I don't think Isla could pull a movie all by herself. She is great as a co-star but not as lead. I really wanted to like this movie too, I'm glad I didn't buy it. Shameless plug you got problems. :)